Guy's Doodles
Drawings by Guy Gilchrist in support of our frontline healthcare workers.
About Guy Gilchrist
Fraggle Rock, Mudpie, Tiny Dinos, The Muppets –Guy Gilchrist’s illustrations are among the most prominent and widely recognized American cartoon icons of the 20th century. His career as an artist encompasses other classics outside of the Jim Henson properties, including Minnie Mouse, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men, Tom & Jerry, and the Looney Tunes. His work spans decades of newspaper comic strips, coloring books, merchandise and television programs, and is even among the exhibits enshrined in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
Today, Guy joins in the fight against COVID, in a new interactive project: in the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing Guy Gilchrist original drawings, including doodles that inspire laughter, comics that spark nostalgia, and coloring book pages that you can download for free from
We challenge the community to join us in this art project and in supporting our frontline! Send us your colorings and your responses to our weekly challenges, and in turn we’ll help send these to hospitals to share with healthcare workers and patients all across the country. Finally, we’re counting on everyone to send us ideas, sketches, photos and stories to help inspire Guy’s next drawing: send your submissions to us at [email protected]!
Thank you Guy, for giving the world so many years of happiness through your art, and for using your talents now to spread awareness and bring hope for a brighter tomorrow. Together, we are stronger!

“Be kind to everyone, always”- Jim Henson
This Week's Doodles/Challenges
Sunday, February 14
Nurse Janice reminding everyone it’s rockin’ to get your COVID vaccine! Check out your local county guidelines on when and where to get your COVID vaccine.

Thursday, February 11
With COVID surging throughout the US, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles want to take frontline heroes for all their hard work and dedication to serving the community during this time.

Friday, January 22
Monday, June 28
That tickles!
Doctors and nurses keep tabs on COVID by doing a test called a swab: they tickle the back of your throat and check to see if the virus is hiding back there! Swabs are done through either your nose (nasopharyngeal) or your mouth (oropharyngeal). It doesn’t hurt, but it might make you sneeze: just ask Harvey the Hippo, who got his swab done at Dr. Toucan’s office!

Sunday, June 14 (World Blood Donor Day)
Today is World Blood Donor Day! Blood donors are heroes, too! Hospitals count on the donations from these heroes to save lives, and now blood donations are more important than ever.
Find out how your local hospital is accepting blood donations, and be someone’s hero!
There’s nothing scary about giving blood. As a matter of fact, it’s monsterously wonderful… and you even get a cookie!

Friday, May 29
It might be hard to hear what he’s saying with a mask on, but Animal can still make a lot of noise with his drum kit!
Here’s your challenge: draw your favorite cartoon character making music!
Send us your doodles to [email protected] and we’ll put a band together!
Rock On!

Wednesday, May 27
Sweetums is a pretty scary Muppet, but truth be told, he wears his heart on his sleeve…er, MASK!
We’re all journeying through this strange world together. If we all take care of each other by minding our hand hygiene and covering our faces, COVID is not so scary after all!
Have a heart: show you care for others by donning your PPE!

Sunday, May 24
The TMNT gang’s back together!
As we start going outside, be sure to tie on your mask: we’ll get through this one step at a time!
Be safer today, so that we can have a safer tomorrow!

Friday, May 22
Tom and Jerry are still having fun… from a distance!
Here’s your doodle challenges: print out and color in this 2-page special! Send us these rivals, or draw your own social distancing scoundrels and share with us at [email protected]!
Be safe, be healthy!

Wednesday, May 20
It’s OK to be scared, but you’re never alone!
Kermit reminds Beaker that we’re in this together! Social distancing is hard, but we do it so that we can have a safer tomorrow.
Color in these Muppet friends and share your art with your friends and family, and with us at [email protected]!
Love one another, and be confident in yourself!

Sunday, May 17
Meet Kajal & Kipling, the EMT tiger twins of the PPE Pals!
This paramedic pair from the PPE Pals collection is reminding you that this week (May 17-23) is National EMS Week: let’s celebrate the hard work of our emergency medical services!
Happy National EMS Week!

Friday, May 15
Kermit and his nephew Robin the Frog want to remind you that soap and warm water make lots of bubbles!
Make sure you keep your flippers clean when you come home: wash your hands to one round of “Old Macdonald Had A Farm” to scrub away germs for 20 seconds.
Cows, pigs, even frogs: think of a different animal every time you wash your hands, and see how many animal (and animal sounds) yo ucan think of!
Wash your flippers!

Thursday, May 14
Ah, the old panther PPE ploy!
Under this cool mask, even the great Inspector Clouseau wont spot the Pink Panther! Remember, don your disguise when you’re out in public: keep yourself hidden from the dastardly Coronavirus!
Stay Safe, Stay Home,

Wednesday, May 13
The wascal wabbit has his fair share of bumps and scrapes: whenever Bugs Bunny isn’t feeling well or gets hurt, his healthcare hero friends are happy to help! Here’s another coloring page for you.
Color Bugs Bunny and his friend Doc, and share with us at [email protected]
Show our doctors, nurses, and first responders we’re behind them 100%

Sunday, May 10
Harry Bear’s celebrating Mother’s Day with Mama Bear’s favorite gifts: fresh wildflowers and tasty honey! Let’s show our appreciation for the Mama Bears who take such good care of us.
This week, send us your drawings of you with your mama!
Happy Mother’s Day!

Friday, May 8
Michelangelo here, but you can call me Mikey!
I wear a mask so that me and my brothers, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, can kick Coronavirus butt! Color me in, then tag @donateppe so we can check out your artwork. And hand me that slice of pizza!
Cowabunga my dudes!

Wednesday, May 6
Break out the art supplies, here’s a coloring page just for you!
Today’s challenge: sketch your two favorite cartoon characters keeping a safe distance from each other (social distancing saves lives!) Then share them with us
Can’t wait to see everyone’s colorings!

Monday, May 4
May the 4th be with you!
Here’s your Baby Yoda virtual hug💚. Social-distancing from a Galaxy far far away! Big love @tamglynn for the idea!
Stay safe, stay home, love you,

Sunday, May 3
We challenge YOU to draw and share your favorite character wearing a mask to join the fight against COVID. Share your doodle on Instagram and tag @donateppe, or email us at [email protected].
We’ll share them with our viewers, and with hospital staff and patients across the country!